Fear of fuel shortage as petroleum dealers threaten countrywide strike

Urge govt to fulfil promise of increasing dealers' margin to 5 per cent.

The Pakistan Petroleum Dealers Association (PPDA) has threatened a countrywide strike from Nov 5 if the government does not comply with their demands, fearing petrol and diesel shortage once again.

This is another test for the PTI government, which is embroiled in nationwide protests by banned organizations, traders and political parties against inflation.

Officials of All Pakistan Petroleum Dealers Association held a press conference in Islamabad. Chairman Petroleum Dealers Association Abdul Sami Khan said that if the government did not increase their margins immediately, they would close down their businesses.

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The PPDA has threatened nationwide protests and strikes from November 5 and fears that if this happens, the distribution of petrol and diesel across the country will be affected from November 5.

Abdul Sami Khan said that the government has not fulfilled its promise to increase dealers’ margin to 5 per cent. Petroleum dealers’ margin should be increased to 6 per cent of selling price, in case of non-increase of petroleum dealers’ margin, supply will be stopped from November 5. He said that the energy minister has invited us but we will not meet him.

The chairman Petroleum Dealers Association said that we will not remain silent now and that the government should announce increase in the margins of dealers. If the prices of petroleum products fall, our margins will also decrease.

He said that the government can facilitate the people in taxes and levies. If the government is serious in negotiations then the concerned people should sit with us. We have been trying for a long time to increase the dealers ‘margin. The government promised to increase the dealers’ margin but it was not fulfilled.


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