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PD&SI Minister Seeks Report over Dysfunctional CPEC Center of Excellence

CPEC Center of Excellence

Federal Minister for Planning Development & Special Initiatives Professor Ahsan Iqbal expressed displeasure over the dysfunctionality of the Center of Excellence for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which was supposed to provide support for CPEC.

The minister expressed concerns while chairing a meeting to review progress on projects initiated under the Ministry of Planning Development & Special Initiatives on Thursday. The meeting was attended by the additional secretary PD&SI, Project Directors, and other relevant stakeholders.

During the meeting, three projects related to PIDE came under discussion which includes the Center of Excellence for CPEC, Competitive Grants Program for Policy-Oriented Research, and Construction of PIDE Campus, in F-5/2 which were approved by CDWP and DDWP in 2016, 2019, and 2020 respectively.

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Center of Excellence was established in Pakistan Institutes Development Economics (PIDE) which could help in better management of the program but unfortunately, there is no progress, said the minister.

“The idea of the center was to conduct an empirical research which could help in tapping new opportunities,” said the minister while directing Registrar PIDE to submit a complete action plan and their achievements “We have little knowledge about Chinese markets therefore, a quality research center is a dire need of time particularly, in the field of industrial cooperation, he added.

The minister also inquired about the Construction of the PIDE Campus in F-5/2 in Islamabad. The minister was informed that Capital Development Authority CDA has not handed over the plot despite full payment.

He directed that possession of land should be taken immediately and work on the construction of the campus must be commenced without further delay.

During the meeting, the minister also reviewed several development projects which include Integrated Energy Planning, Strengthening of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics CVRS System, Social Sector Accelerator SSA) for Health, Nutrition, Education, Youth, and Green Line Bus Transit System, Operationalization of Green Line BRTS and several others.

The minister directed relevant Project Directors to submit action plans for their projects so the performance could be evaluated.

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