A famous clothing brand, Generation, faced backlash online after favouring women nikah khawan (marriage registrar) that provoked different points of views from the netizens.
Generation posted on Facebook on December 14 a picture with the caption, “Your Nikkah can be officiated by any adult, a cleric, your favourite aunt, your best friend or whoever you choose and trust to have your best interests at heart can officiate your Nikkah and it will be legal and binding according to Pakistani law. This is campaign on marriage laws in Pakistan in collaboration with Centre For Human Rights, Pakistan.”
A netizen namely Saadia Wasif commented, “Poor show by generation. All Muslims should be qualified according to SUNNAH enough to perform nikah ceremony rituals/(nikah parhana) and give khutba of their nikah if you don’t want a nikah khuwan . Eliminating sunnahs of nikah altogether is not an option. Documentation is another thing but sunnah has to be fulfilled. And wali is necessary too for validity of nikah. Keep your ideas to yourself. These days fully funded new trends first come’ between lines’ and then gradually unfold themselves to be absorbed as norms.”
To this, the clothing brand’s moderator replied, “Hi Saadia, we are talking about the person who performs the Nikkah between two individuals. Any one regardless of gender or status can perform it between two individuals. We have never stated that Nikkah nama is useless or needs to be discarded or that no witnesses are required. Please follow the entire campaign from the beginning to see what is being said. such heresays are more damaging.”
The moderator’s another comment read, “Hi Saadia, we are talking about the person who performs the Nikkah between two individuals. Any one regardless of gender or status can perform it between two individuals. We have never stated that Nikkah nama is useless or needs to be discarded or that no witnesses are required. Please follow the entire campaign from the beginning to see what is being said. such heresays are more damaging.”
Wasif commented again, “nikah is a religious bond and ritual,that is perfectly defined by sunnah of Prophet PBUH and how he would carry out for sahaba during his times. So that’s the best way. When we know what’s best, should we be promoting ways that are second to best! Rest Allah knows best.”
She added, “And we have a hadith of tirmazi sharif that says that perform your nikah in masjid. Yes there are secondary ways. But no one likes to promote invaluable ways leaving aside the valuable ones.”
Afia Salam wrote, “Nikah is NOT a religious bond but a civil contract that requires statement of intent in front of witnesses. End of story.” She added, “Only a certain sect considers the presence of a wali important so this too is not a universal islamic principle and is not even the subject of the post.”
Generation stated in another comment, “Section 5 of the Muslim Family Law Ordinance, 1961 refers fo the solemniser / officiater of the nikah as a “person”, without specifying any gender. Therefore, the law does not place any restriction on women officiating marriages in Pakistan.”
Moatsim Javed argued, “section 5 clause 1 of Muslim family laws ordinance states “Every marriage solemnized under “MUSLIM LAW” shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
The reference here is clearly made to the Muslim law which again requires the condition of a wali for bride. Please enlighten me if there is a gap in my understanding :)”
Maryam Khalid Qureshi said, “Wow can’t believe some of the comments. Nikah simply means announcing to the world that you’ve chosen your life partner and yes anyone can do it for you. We don’t need any specific molvis to perform nikah. Wish people could actually read on it rather than writing such comments.”
The clothing brand clarified on multiple comment that the aim for the post was educating people about legal and religious angles of nikah khawans and nikahnamas. A comment read, “You should read the Islamic Law (which Muftis and Alims oversee) as well as Pakistan’s Law (which is based on Islamic Law). It is perfectly legal. This campaign is for education and awareness purposes. If you already know, good for you but you will be surprised how little people know about the importance of Nikkahnama yet blindly sign it and then later on regret it. As a woman you would understand that marriage is one of many life altering decisions you will make and wouldn’t it be better if both you and your partner knew your rights (legal and religious).”