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Mahwash Ajaz opens up on weaknesses of Pakistani entertainment industry

Mahwash Ajaz, Pakistani entertainment industry

Journalist Mahwash Ajaz has opened up on the weaknesses of the Pakistani entertainment industry in a Twitter thread which were related to some actors and filmmakers.

She wrote, “I can’t keep silent about this any longer. Azaan Sami Khan should not act. Please.”

Mahwash Ajaz added, “More opinions that might get me cancelled or probably will tick off many people. Esp stans. But someone’s got to do it. At the risk of getting ratioed to infinity here it goes.”

“Dur-e-Fishan Saleem is not believable as the darling heroine everyone wants to kidnap. Neither is Hiba Bukhari.”

She said, “Zaviyar Ejaz cannot act much either. Madiha Imam needs to stop doing Stockholm Syndrome based roles. Ahad Raza Mir cannot do comedy. Dum Mastam’s script needed work. Wajahat Rauf needs to invest in better filmmaking. Only Ahsan Rahim and Nabeel Qureshi can be trusted to make films.”

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