It’s been a week since the Pakistani drama serial Raqs-e-Bismil wrapped up on a filmy note and just like others, Moosa remained nearest and dearest to renowned philanthropist Bilquis Edhi.
Imran Ashraf played the role of Moosa, who belonged to a religious family and falls in love with Zohra who was a performer at private gatherings.
Talking to a journalist, the humanitarian expressed her view on how much she liked the content, star cast, and the performance of everyone in the drama.
Lauding Imran Ashraf’s effort, Bilquis Edhi said, “I have been watching Moosa over and over again”.
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Bilquis, who inspired millions of people across the globe, was herself impressed by Imran Ashraf as Moosa in Raqs-e-Bismil, and knowing that, the actor couldn’t resist sharing it on his Instagram handle.
Imran Ashraf has convinced millions of hearts with his performance in the drama serial written by novelist Hashim Nadeem and beautifully directed by Wajahat Rauf.
Being a favorite of Bilquis Edhi, Imran called it an ‘Award’ as the philanthropist remembers him in her prayers and wish the actor’s success in the future.
The last episode of the drama has more than 10 million views on YouTube and #ImranAshraf was trending in the top 5 and #RaqseBismil at number 1 on Twitter when the last episode was aired.
Many believed that the leading stars Sarah Khan and Imran Ashraf have maintained the energy since the first episode with their unmatched on-screen chemistry.