Health Crisis: Pakistan Has One Doctor For 963 Patients

The maternal mortality rate in Pakistan is depressing and out of every 1,000 women, 189 die during childbirth

Despite the claims of federal and provincial governments, Economic Survey Report 2020-2021 exposed a major crisis in Pakistan as there is only one doctor available for nearly 963 patients.

The report said that only one doctor is available for nearly 963 people in Pakistan as the number of medical staff has not grown significantly. On the other hand, there is only one dentist for 9,412 patients.

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As per statistics, the crisis grew in Pakistan as the number of doctors, dentists, nurses, and hospitals did not show notable growth that is the main cause behind the sinking healthcare system.

The report also revealed that during the past year, 12,726 new doctors have joined the flock and the total number hoisted to 245,987.

The number of dentists in Pakistan has increased from 24,930 to 27,360 meanwhile 4,563 nurses joined the field and the number now reached 116,659 from 112,659.

According to survey, the number of registered health workers has grown to 21,361 with the inclusion of 796 new medical workers.

While revealing the child mortality rate in the country, the survey said that 55.7 out of every 1,000 children die due to a lack of proper medical and other facilities.

The child mortality rate in Indonesia stands at 20, in Malaysia at 7.3, Philippines and Thailand at 21.6 and 7.7 respectively.

Similarly, the maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Pakistan is depressing and out of every 1,000 women, 189 die during childbirth due to untrained medical staff, lack of facilities and poverty.

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