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Jaggery: best alternative of white sugar with a lot of health benefits

health benefits of jaggery

Jaggery manufacturers say that the product is produced in the indigenous and traditional way and free from harmful chemicals and dyes.

As soon as the month of October comes, with the preparation of the sugarcane crop, ‘gur gani’ is used to prepare gur in the traditional way.

‘Gur [jaggery] ganiyas’, which are also called jaggery factories in the local language, where it is produced in a traditional way without the addition of chemicals and free of dyes. In these factories, jaggery wheels are traditionally made in a specific way.

The sugarcane is cut from the fields and brought to the sugarcane where after storage, the regular process of making sugarcane begins. First, the cleaned sugarcane is pressed in a machine where the juice is extracted from them and transferred through a pipe to a tank.

After the sugarcane juice is filtered in the tank, it is poured through another pipe into a large pan, where it is heated over a high flame. A sugarcane craftsman in a special conversation with News360 said that in a big pan, about ten maunds of sugarcane juice is put, which is cooked continuously for one hour and ten minutes on a high flame.

A little white soda is then added to it, causing the juice to thicken to the top of the pan which is then filtered out. He said that no chemicals, colours or spices are used in the preparation of desi jaggery.

He further said that when ‘ghara’ is made from sugarcane juice, it is put in another pan and after it cools down a little, small balls are made from it, or people make special jaggery on special order. Rich people add almonds and peanuts to make special jaggery.

The craftsman further said that for this pure jaggery, not only do people directly come to buy jaggery in ‘gur ganiyan’ but also supply it to other parts of the country as well as outside the country.

According to health experts, pure jaggery is a gift full of useful and numerous health benefits for improving the immune system, removing stomach heat and against seasonal colds.

According to health experts, jaggery removes harmful substances from the body and keeps the liver clean as well as keeping the body warm.

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