Larkana Hospital Shows Downright Condition of Bilawal’s Constituency

The inpatients and their attendants complained that due to the non-availability of basic health and other facilities, they are compelled to spend restless nights

A government hospital in Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) stronghold Larkana, a city of Holy Alams in Sindh, has become a hotbed for the patients with grubby surroundings and unavailability of water.

Due to inoperable and grotty washrooms, the patients are helpless, with no one paying heed to their difficulties.

The inpatients and their attendants complained that due to non-availability of basic health and other facilities, they are compelled to spend restless nights in the hospital.

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The water pumps have been kaput for ages and the patients are left with no water supply.

The video showcasing the poor-shaped hospital went viral on social media and calls into question the performance of Sindh government towards the health sector.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) leader Maulana Rashid Mehmood poked fun at PPP’s chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and maintained that condition of health sector in Sindh is far better than those in United States (US).

He was of the view that the 4-minute video of hospital shows the downright state of health facilities in Bilawal Bhutto’s constituency Larkana.

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