With covid-19 pandemic still existing globally, some positive news emerged from different parts of the United Kingdom (UK) as England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland reported no deaths within 28 days since July last year.
Experts credited lockdowns and vaccination against the disease that have positively impacted in lowering the spread of the virus.
However, only four deaths were recorded owing to coronavirus in Wales.
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Rowland Kao, an Epidemiology Professor at the University of Edinburgh said, “The fall in deaths reflected the impact of vaccination”.
Agreeing with the epidemiology professor, a senior research fellow in global health said, “We know that reported numbers of deaths vary a little depending on the day of the week, which reflect the lag time in the system and indeed also difficulties with real-time reporting”.
At the beginning of this year, there were more than 1,000 covid-19 death cases reported in UK where the intensive care units (ICU) were working beyond full capacity.
The research professor said, “We owe all the frontline workers a huge thank you for working under those circumstances, the extent of which was avoidable”.
Although the pandemic is increasing globally, the situation in the UK is the opposite of it.
Currently, India remains a high-profile country reporting a greater number of causalities daily.
However in constrast, UK is serving as a perfect example for the rest of the world where no covid-19 deaths were reported.