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Books Worthier Than Jewels For Mardan’s Bride

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With a lot of brides asking whooping amounts as Haq Mehr, an amount to be paid by the groom to his wife at the time of marriage in Islam, a bride from Mardan district of khyber Pakhtunkhwa marched to beat of a different drummer and asked books worth Rs 100,000.

The bride, in place of cash amounts or gold jewelry, solicits books worth 0.1 million as Haq Mehr.

“Exceeding pressures on both bride’s and groom’s familes are actually knocking-down the society”, maintained Naila who recently tied the knot.

Naila is a strong-willed bride who is determined to thwart the old-fashioned and unavailing marriage rituals.

Growing inflation and promotion of flawed norms are the two main reasons Naila explained that were behind her unorthodox demand.

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The bride, who is a writer by profession, maintained that it’s a wish of every girl to receive gold as a wedding gift but in her case, books are worthier than anything.

“With dying culture of book reading, it’s my responsibility to play it up as a habit”, she added.

Similarly, there was a bride in Kerala, India who asked for 100 books as Haq Mehr last year.

According to report, the books which the bride wished to include were the Holy Quran, Bible and Gita as well as several other novels.

The pictures of Keralite, Ajna Nizam, along with her 100 books went viral on social media.

As per sources, Ajna had given a list of books to her husband she wanted to have as Haq Mehr.

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