Actor Farhan Saeed lashed out at government supporters

remember you were an equal part of this despensation if you are criticizing it now and don't forget the PTI supporters, and actors who were against it

After the change of government in April last year, the economic crisis and inflation in the country have made every class of people worry and worry and with each passing day, this concern and worry are turning into anger.

Actor Farhan Saeed Saeed is also among those who have been expressing concern over the country’s economic crisis since the beginning, but now his anger is also increasing and he has warned those who support the change of government.

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Actor Farhan Saeed wrote in his tweet, using the hashtag Pakistan’s economic crisis, “those who were in favor of overthrowing the government and were happy with the new setup.” Beware! This is a very bad time for you.”

“If you criticize this setup for inflation and incompetence, remember that you were an equal part of it and don’t forget PTI supporters,” he added.

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