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Apple Smart Watch Saved a Live With its ‘Fall and Collide Detection’ Feature

Apple Smart Watch series 7

New technologies Have not stopped surprising, and they can even save people. A Singaporean citizen owes his life to his Apple Smart Watch, after the watch detected his fall and called an ambulance as soon as he had a motorcycle accident.

Muhammad Fitri collided with a van and lost consciousness as the other vehicle drove away. He is lucky to be alive thanks to the fact that his watch detected the fall and called the emergency services automatically, who came to the scene immediately.

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The next thing he knew, he was surrounded by workers from the Singapore Civil Defense Force, and the motorist was taken to the local Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. According to local reports, the police are investigating the incident as an outrage.

Muhammad has confirmed to the media Lianhe Wanbao that his Apple Smart Watch sent the notice to the emergency services and also with important contacts, including his girlfriend.

These Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 models can detect drops and display an alert or sound an alarm. If no movement is verified within a minute, the device contacts emergency services as well as specified contacts.

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