Asad Ali Shah explains causes of PPP’s downfall

Asad Ali Shah, the son of former Sindh chief minister and Pakistan People's Party senior leader Qaim Ali Shah, explained the causes of the PPP's downfall.

Asad Ali Shah, the son of former Sindh chief minister and Pakistan People’s Party senior leader Qaim Ali Shah, explained the causes of the PPP’s downfall.

Asad Ali Shah posted a Twitter thread to explain the causes of the PPP’s downfall.

He wrote, “Pakistan People’s Party is celebrating the 55th year of its foundation on Nov 30 [today]. This was the most popular party for the poor and common man in the 70s and became the party of resistance to military rule & autocracy during the Zia and Musharaf regimes championing the cause of the poor.”

“Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (ZAB) and Benazir Bhutto (BB) sacrificed their lives for principles of democracy & resistance to autocracy. However, today, it’s confined to just one province: Sindh & marginalised in other provinces. It’s high time an objective introspection is done raising the following questions.”

While raising some questions, Shah said, “1. Why it’s support base has shrunk in other provinces, especially the largest Province Punjab that used to be its forte? 2. What has PPP delivered compared to its manifesto, especially in Sindh where it has remained in power for last 14 yrs?”

“3. Considering serious socio-economic challenges faced by Pakistan, what is the capacity of PPP to deliver? 4. While there are many achievements to its credit such as the 18th amendment & 7th NFC, what is the impact on people, esply its governance & economic policies?”

“A major issue with Pakistan’s political parties is they remain stuck in the past- have not changed with time. So, PPP needs to question itself, whether policies & programs formulated in 20th century are relevant for 21st century?”

He further said, “Pakistan’s socioeconomic indicators remain dismal; it has seriously lagged behind the world, incl regnal countries India & Bangladesh. Unless Pakn’s major parties do a thorough introspection to enhance their capacity to deliver, it’s problems will continue to escalate.”

“Major strength of PPP: its principled support for democracy, lower classes, human rights & empowerment of women & minorities. However, there have been serious issues in capacity & style of governance that impeded its delivery on premises.”

Shah said, “High time, an objective introspection /swot analysis is done, not only to enhance its resilience & capacity to deliver, but also to regain its support base in entire country as a national party that is bold enough to undertake structural reforms.”

“Will the party bold enough to undertake its internal reforms to enhance its resilience, adaptability to change & carry out structural reforms?” he concluded.

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