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G20 to Set Forth Rules of Recognition of Taliban

g20 taliban Recognition

Al Jazeera

The Group of 20 (G20) is meeting on October 12 virtually to discuss the Afghanistan situation under Taliban rule and the topics in focus will be international recognition and resumption of humanitarian aid.

The participants will also focus on the aid requirements of Afghanistan and overall security conditions following the takeover.

G20 will also delve for a way to ensure a safe exit for Afghans who were part of the western administrations before the Taliban.

U.S. President Joe Biden, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Europe’s G20 leaders will be part of the meeting while Chinese President Xi and Russian President Vladimir Putin are expected not to attend the important meeting.

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UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will also join the G20 conference.

He had warned Afghanistan’s economy is breaking down due to frozen assets which has triggered a humanitarian crisis there and he is likely to push for injection of money in it.

The G20 conference is happening days after the rulers of Afghanistan met with the US officials to discuss the humanitarian crisis first time since the withdrawal.

The participants are also expected to discuss international recognition of the Taliban.

Last week prior to the summit, French President Emmanuel Macron said rules must be put up for the Taliban if they are seeking international recognition.

An EU delegation has also met with the Taliban before the conference.

Amir Khan Muttaqi, acting foreign minister of Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan (IEA), said they want positive relationships with the whole world.

He emphasized balanced relations can protect Afghanistan from instability.

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