Hamza Ali Abbasi’s post on his religious thoughts sparks outrage

Hamza Ali Abbasi’s post on religious thoughts has sparked an outrage on social media as he dared to share views on sensitive topics.

Actor-cum-model Hamza Ali Abbasi’s post on his religious thoughts has sparked outrage on social media once again as he dared to share his views on sensitive topics including blasphemy, apostasy, marriage age, the arrival of Hazrat Esa A.S and Imam Mehdi.

Every Muslim including renowned scholars and clerics chooses to speak up on sensitive religious topics very carefully to explain them in a full context.

Meanwhile, Hamza Ali Abbasi, who is vocal on all topics even if it is political, religious or social, spoke up on the sensitive subjects in a recent post.

“I am a Muslim & I believe Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the last Messenger & Prophet of God. The Islam I believe in has no divinely ordained worldly punishment for mocking or insulting God, Islam and any Messenger & Prophet of God (Peace Be Upon Them All).”

“There is no divinely ordained worldly punishment for leaving Islam (Apostasy). Slavery is not permissible.”

“The Age Hazrat Aisha (R.Z) was not 7 or 9 at the time of marriage to the Prophet (PBUH) but 17 to 19 yrs. All forms of Art & Music are permissible with conditions. Muslims are not allowed to fight non-Muslims for any reason apart from persecution, open oppression & self-defense.”

“Muslims are not allowed by God to implement Islam by force & subjugate non-Muslims politically & militarily for religious reasons. Islam is a message that needs to accepted/implemented or rejected through free choice and free choice only.”

“Prophet Muhammad PBUH was the last human to be directly in communication with the Divine- the last Messenger-Prophet and Imam and all forms of Naboowat-Risalat-Imamat have ended on Prophet Muhammad PBUH and I believe Jesus PBUH has died – There is no second coming of Jesus PBUH or any Imam Mehdi.”

A public outrage was seen on Abbasi’s post as it hits their beliefs and ‘#shameonyouhamzaaliabbasi’ floated on Twitter trends. The actor has already predicted what will happen so he also wrote it in the last paragraph of his post.

“I know majority of Muslims will very passionately disagree with the above – a lot will accused of “Moulding Islam to try to please the modern liberal western world” – but the criteria to judge something as right or wrong has to be a sincere analysis of the reasoning presented rathen than abuse, questioning the intentions and citing which side the majority is on.”

He also invited people, saying, “I have talked about these matters in detail in my web series Conversing Islam available on YouTube for anyone interested. For more details you can also see @GhamidiCIL & check out Ghamidi Center of Islamic Learning on YouTube.”

In November 2019, Hamza Ali Abbasi had announced to leave the entertainment industry and shared a 23-minute video titled ‘From Atheism to Islam’ to explain the reasons for stepping away from acting and his future plans.

In March 2020, he had said that he was not quitting acting and he just took a long break from acting to give more time to religion. He said that he “will make – and maybe act – in projects made within boundaries Allah has set for us.”

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