PILDAT President Ahmed Bilal Mehboob has said that the PTI-led government has overtaken the last PPP government (2008-13) in terms of ordinances promulgated per year.
Taking to Twitter, the PILDAT president has compared the PTI government with the previous two governments of PPP and PML-N.
Taking into account the current & past 2 Govts, current PTI Govt overtook PPP Govt (2008-13) in terms of number of ordinances promulgated per yr. After recent deluge of ordinances, PTI Govt score went up to 21.23 Ordinances/yr compared to 20.4 of PPP & 7.4 of PMLN (2013-18). pic.twitter.com/qVcVEQvgaP
— احمد بلال محبوبAhmedBilalMehboob (@ABMPildat) November 6, 2021
He wrote on the social media site that after the recent deluge of ordinances, the PTI government’s score went upto 21.
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PTI had promulgated 23 ordinances per year as compared to 20.4 per year by the PPP (2008-13) and 7.4 by the PML-N (2013-18).
During its second parliamentary year in 2020, the PTI-led government had outnumbered the laws passed by the National Assembly. This exposed the poor performance of the parliament both in terms of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s attendance and the smooth conduct of of proceedings.