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Students Forced to Study in Ramshackle School of KP

Khyber News

The schools in the merged tribal areas in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) are decaying and the students are forced to study in the tumble-down buildings.

One such public school in the Ghiljo area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) reflects the negligence of the KP government which claims education as its priority.

The school doesn’t have a boundary wall and a gate while the whole structure is crumbling and on the verge of collapse.

The students are forced to study under the broken ceilings and no classes are conducted when it rains.

The school management said many students have dropped out owing to a lack of facilities.

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The management said they approached the education department several times but to no avail.

The locals of Ghiljo town said the educational institution doesn’t have basic facilities such as water, electricity, and even a washroom.

They added that the school building could collapse anytime.

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