Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader and former federal minister Faisal Vawda has faced the music after failing to build a narrative regarding the assassination of senior journalist Arshad Sharif one day before his funeral prayer.
Slain Arshad Sharif’s family, politicians and journalists have rejected Faisal Vawda’s press conference held on Wednesday within a few hours.
Senior journalists Kamran Khan, Syed Talat Hussain, Cyril Almeida, Mubashir Zaidi, Azhar Siddiqui and others termed Faisal Vawda’s press conference as a meaningless press conference.
On the other hand, Arshad Sharif’s mother and her widow also rejected Vawda’s statement instead the slain journalist’s mother gave a statement in the favour of ARY News owner Salman Iqbal.
Commenting on Faisal Wowda’s press conference, senior journalists said the power matrix has exposed itself again. They said that those who launched Faisal Vawda have not come up with full preparations. Some of them termed it a planted press conference at the behest of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) as surprisingly, the presser was shown on state television, PTV.
Senior journalists say the PML -N has been trapped in its net after airing Vawda’s press conference live on PTV.
Shortly afterwards, PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif made a statement from London and then other PML-N central leaders and pro-government journalists queued for highlighting Vawda’s press conference.
Here are some reactions:
یہ عورت صحافت کے نام پر دھبہ ہے اور غلیظ ترین مکروہ انسان ہے ۔جو میرے مرحوم شوہر ارشد کی شہادت پر سیاست کررہی ہے
اس عورت کی شکل پر تربیت پر ل ع ن ت— Javeria Siddique (@javerias) October 26, 2022
Vada presented a James Bond version of politics. Suspense, drama and license to kill. He didn’t hide who his mentors were and where he’s coming from. N/ARY is responsible for killing of Arshad except his sponsors. Bad show indeed
— Amir Mateen (@AmirMateen2) October 26, 2022
اکھا پاکستان کو ہلا دے گا رے تیرا پھیجل
— Mubashir Zaidi (@Xadeejournalist) October 26, 2022
Interesting that PTV is telecasting Faisal Vawda’s presser. PTV does not show pressers of any PTI leader including IK.
— Hammad Azhar (@Hammad_Azhar) October 26, 2022
Faisal Vawda press conference proves only one thing: The scientists who carried out the disastrous 2018 electoral experiment had no waste management strategy. Now that the dirt has hit the fan, there is a desperate attempt to somehow survive the stench. What a glorious mess.
— Syed Talat Hussain (@TalatHussain12) October 26, 2022
جس طرح سے یہ پریس کانفرنس کروائی گئی ہے اور پی ٹی وی پر دکھائی گئی ہے اس سے تو ارشد شریف شہید کے قاتلوں کے بارے میں ہمارا شک یقین میں بدل گیا ہے۔ آپ کا شکریہ فیصل واؤڈا۔ #ArshadSharifShaheed #FaisalVawda
— Iqrar ul Hassan Syed (@iqrarulhassan) October 26, 2022
Rats like Vawda try and take the ship down with them…
— cyril almeida (@cyalm) October 26, 2022
فیصل واوڈا کی پریس کانفرنس کی سب سے اہم بات۔ پریس کانفرنس کا انعقاد پریس انفارمیشن ڈیپارٹمنٹ نے کیا جو صرف حکومتی پریس کانفرنسوں کا صرف انعقاد کرتا ہے
— Kamran Yousaf (@Kamran_Yousaf) October 26, 2022
” ارشد شریف پر گاڑی کے اندر سے فائر کیا گیا
لانگ مارچ میں لاشیں گریں گی
مزید کئی لوگوں کی جانوں کو خطرہ ہے
ارشد کے قتل کی سازش پاکستان میں ہوئی”فیصل واوڈا کا بغیر کسی ثبوت کے صحافیوں سے خطاب
— Shafaat Ali (@iamshafaatali) October 26, 2022
واوڈا صاحب نے بالآخر اس “بوٹ” کا اصل مقام پہچان لیا جس کو انہوں نے نادانی میں میز پر رکھ دیا تھا ۔۔۔ 🙋♀️
— Tanzeela Mazhar (@TenzilaMazhar) October 26, 2022
فیصل واوڈا نے خود کو ضائع کر دیا ۔۔
— Nadia Mirza (@nadia_a_mirza) October 26, 2022
It’s not me but PTI leader Faisal Vawda who says the there will be bloodshed in Imran Khan’s long march, @NawazSharifMNS says
— Murtaza Ali Shah (@MurtazaViews) October 26, 2022
Faisal Vawda sees bloody march, dead bodies and bloodshed. Hints at people close to Arshad Sharif involved in murder plot
— Murtaza Ali Shah (@MurtazaViews) October 26, 2022
فیصل ووڈا دوستوں کی جھرمٹ میں!!!
— M Azhar Siddique 💎🇵🇰 (@AzharSiddique) October 26, 2022
Following his press conference, PTI suspended Vawda’s party membership and issued a show-cause notice to him and directed him to submit his reply within two days.