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Competitive Commission inactive; Appointment of members became a sign of laziness of Ministry of Finance

public, rights, guard, Competition Commission, unfunctional, Members, appointment, Ministry of finance, عوامی، حقوق، نگبہان، مسابقتی کمیشن، غیر فعال، ارکان، تقرری، وزارت خزانہ،

National Competition Commission has been continuously inactive for past one year, while Ministry of Finance has also been slow to appoint board members.

The Competition Commission, the most important institution in Pakistan, which takes action against monopolies and those who exploit the people through collusion and illegal profiteering, has been inactive for the past year.

Chairman Person Competition Commission Rahat Konin told News360 that the board of Competition Commission may consist of 5 to 7 members. There have been longer members on the board of the commission.

Rahat Konin said that a year ago on March 31, 2022, the tenure of two members was not extended. One board member, Mujtabi Lodhi, has moved to the Securities and Exchange Commission. In this regard, the Ministry of Finance has issued advertisements, but the recruitment process has not been completed so far.

Sources in the Ministry of Finance told News360 that the appointment of board members of the Competition Commission has been continuously delayed. The Ministry of Finance has advertised for the appointment of one member on 15 May 2022 and 2 members on 6 December 2022 and one more member on 5 February 2023.

In total, advertisements have been issued for the appointment of 4 members in the Competition Commission but the processing is very slow so far.

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