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Decision of Standing Committee of National Assembly to refer issue of election funds to Lower House

قائمہ کمیٹی خزانہ پنجاب خیبرپختونخوا انتخابات

Standing Committee on Finance of National Assembly has decided to present matter of releasing 21 billion rupees for elections of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the Lower House.

A consultative meeting of the body was held under the chairmanship of Chairman Committee Qaiser Ahmad Sheikh, in which Prime Minister of Law Nazir Tarar, Minister of Commerce Naveed Qamar, Minister of State for Finance and Revenue Dr. Ayesha Ghos Pasha, and Deputy Governor State Bank Seema Kamil also participated.

The Standing Committee on Finance said that the State Bank cannot issue the decision of the Government of Pakistan directly. A money bill will be brought to issue 21 billion. Funds will be released upon approval.

Addressing the participants, Prime Minister Nazir Tarar said that the Center accounts for every penny of the Federal Consolidated Fund. He said that spending money on two elections is not in favor of the country.

Azam Nazir Tarar said that the Ministry of Finance should generate a grant and present it in the National Assembly.

Addressing the meeting, Deputy Governor State Bank Seema Kamil said that 21 billion rupees have been released, and this money belongs to the government of Pakistan.

Addressing the meeting, Commerce Minister Syed Naveed Qamar said that the Ministry of Finance and the State Bank should not be threatened with contempt of court, the Parliament also has full authority to take action on its contempt, the Parliament is the supreme institution.

Addressing the meeting, Minister of State for Finance Ayesha Ghous said that if the National Assembly approves, the funds will be released because the Finance Division cannot use the funds without the approval of the Cabinet and the National Assembly.

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