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Dua Zehra case: Petitions filed against interviews aired on TV, YouTube

Dua Zehra, complaints, pemra, youtube, Jibran Nasir

Complaints have been registered to the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) and Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) against the airing of Dua Zehra’s interviews on TV and YouTube.

Jibran Nasir, the lawyer of Zehra’s father Mehdi Ali Kazmi, said in Twitter message, “Complaints were submitted on 13.07.2022 with PEMRA and PTA regarding the interviews aired/published on TV/YouTube of minor child #DuaZahra who is a victim of kidnapping & child marriage as per police’s own report. Reminders sent today. We expect prompt action.”

He said in another tweet, “On two occasions 6 Jun & 2 July Police could have arrested Zaheer & interrogated him, instead Police chose to record his statement as a witness on and let him free, Zaheer CDR revealed on Day 1 about kidnapping but Police submitted Challan under C Class. Who is responsible?”

Nasir added, “It is only through will and resolve of Parents to contest the case and not give up and media pressure through investigative journalism that the case has taken a 180 degree turn and Police has been forced into action. Is our justice system now dependant on parent’s will & media?”

The lawyer said, “Most deplorable acts by Police were (i) to announce that there is nothing to investigate in an under investigation matter (ii) release details of alleged cost/expenses incurred in #DuaZahra case. Was the case being considered a liability? This facts of this case demands reforms.”

He praised SAPM Salman Sufi for paying attention to the case, saying, “Thank you Salman sb for your prompt action on being made aware of the developments in the case. Your work for bringing in reforms to prioritize protection of women & children from violence & crime has always been commendable. We trust the child #DuaZahra will be safe custody soon.”

Sufi replied, “Thank you for coordinating on this very important issue and sharing the information. Civil society and government must always work together to make Pakistan stronger.”

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