Govt plans to imprison me for 10 years, Imran Khan unveils London Plan

Chairman PTI revealed in his message on Twitter that before today, sanctity of hijaab was never violated in this country, plan has been made to torture me by putting Bushra Bibi in jail

Former Prime Minister and Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan has openly stated the London plan. They say that a plan has been prepared to charge me with treason and keep me in jail for 10 years. Bushra Bibi has also made a program to humiliate me by keeping her in jail.

By writing a complete thread on the social networking website Twitter, Imran Khan chalked up the London plan and the nation is aware of the future fears.

Imran Khan writes that “So now the London plan has come out openly. I was in prison and under the guise of torture, they themselves have become the judge, jury, and executioner! The plan now is to put Bushra Begum in prison.” Torture me and imprison me for the next ten years under the guise of sedition law.”

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The Chairman of Tehreek-e-Insaf writes that “After that, Tehreek-e-Insaf’s Bachi Khuchi will completely arrest the leadership and workers. And finally they will ban Pakistan’s largest and federal party. (Like they did in East Pakistan.) imposed on the Awami League).

The PTI chief wrote that “to ensure that there was no backlash from the people, they did two things;

First: Not only the workers of Tehreek-e-Insaaf are being intimidated, but fear is also being instilled in the hearts of ordinary citizens.

Second: The media has been completely controlled and its voice suppressed by force.

The Tehreek-e-Insaaf chairman wrote that “Tomorrow again they will suspend internet services and completely shut down social media, which is already partially functioning.”

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan has written that “Meanwhile, while I am addressing you, the sanctity of homes is being violated and the police are shamelessly engaged in misbehavior and mistreatment of women within the four walls of the house. Before today.” The sanctity of the curtain wall has never been violated in this country as these criminals are doing.”

Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan further wrote that “They want to instill so much fear in people’s hearts that when they come to arrest me, people will not come out.”

Expressing solidarity with the Supreme Court, Imran Khan has written that “the only purpose of the spectacle of Fazlur Rahman outside the Supreme Court is to intimidate the Chief Justice of Pakistan so that he refrains from issuing any decision according to the Constitution of Pakistan.”

The head of Tehreek-e-Insaf further wrote that “Pakistan has already seen the non-League goons brazenly attack the Supreme Court in 1997, which resulted in the removal of a highly respected Chief Justice, Sajjad Ali Shah.” ”

My message to people of Pakistan:

In his message to the people, the PTI chief wrote that “I will fight for true freedom till the last drop of my blood because death by the slavery of this group of criminals is for me. I want to remind my people. That we have made a covenant in the form of the word “There is no god but Allah” that we will never bow down to anyone except Rabb Dhul-Jalal.

If today we prostrate before the idol of fear, humiliation and defeat will be the fate of our future generations.

Those countries where injustice and the law of the jungle prevail, they cannot maintain their existence on the surface of existence for a long time!

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