Imported govt has wrecked havoc with economy: Imran Khan

PTI chief Imran Khan exposed the tall claims regarding the economic achievements made by the Shehbaz Sharif-led government

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan exposed the tall claims regarding the economic achievements made by the Shehbaz Sharif-led government by sharing all the details with the nation regarding the declining state of the economy.

Imran Khan wrote on Twitter, “What we left behind & how the Imported Govt, brought in through regime change conspiracy, has wreaked havoc with the economy.”

He presented the details of the economic collapse in such a way that all the claims of development of the Shehbaz Sharif-led government have been proved false.

Imran Khan said that when our government left, the economy was growing at the rate of 6 per cent, while in August 2022, the GDP growth has come to 2 per cent. Agriculture was growing at the rate of 4.4% and now agriculture has become negative 0.7%. The growth ratio of industries was 9.8%, but today this growth has come down to 1.9%. The services sector was growing at the rate of 5.7 per cent, but today it has grown at 3.5 per cent.

He said that the imported government increased the inflation rate from 16.8% to 45% during five months, which has broken the back of the common man. The increase in the inflation rate from March to August has made life miserable for the common man.

He wrote that during the last four months, petrol price has increased by 57 per cent, diesel price by 71 per cent, electricity bills by 125 per cent, LPG cylinder price by four months. 25 per cent and prices of essential goods have increased by 43 per cent.

He has also shared the price comparison of various essential commodities from March to August. He wrote that “Petrol was Rs 150 per litre in March, but today it is available at Rs 236 per litre. diesel was Rs144.50 per litre and today it is Rs 247.50 per litre.

In March, the price of electricity per unit was 16 rupees, while today the bill price per unit has increased to 36 rupees. Ghee price was Rs 473 per kg in March and today it is Rs 542 per kg. In March, dal mash was available at Rs 270 per kg, today at the end of August, the price of dal mash per kg reached Rs378 per kg.

The total price of lentil was Rs 216 per kg and today it is available at Rs 322 per kg, onion was available at Rs 48 per kg and today the price has become Rs 101 per kg, tomato was available at Rs 80 per kg and today it is available at Rs 164 per kg.

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