‘Imported Hukoomat Na-Manzoor’ remains top trend on social media

Despite DG-ISPR presser yesterday, ‘No to imported government [#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور] remained the top trend on social media.

Despite the presser of the Director-General of the Inter-Services Public Relations (DG-ISPR) yesterday, ‘No to imported government [#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور] remained the top trend on social media.

It was expected that the DG-ISPR’s press conference will change the social media trend against the regime change following the allegations of the former prime minister Imran Khan regarding a foreign conspiracy of the United States (US) to topple the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government.

However, the military’s media wing presser made no impact on the social media trend of ‘No to imported government’ as the netizens kept expressing their sentiments against the toppling of the PTI government and the opposition parties’ success to gain power following the ouster of Imran Khan through a no-trust motion.

More than 8 million posts have been shared on Twitter with the same hashtag, “#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور” after the ouster of Imran Khan from his office on April 11. It is still trending on Twitter among the top ten hashtags including a new one, “#سازش_نہیں_مداخلت”. The new trend has received 310k tweets so far.

Opposition, establishment fail to counter Imran Khan’s popular narrative

The anti-US narrative of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan has gained popularity across the country while the opposition and the establishment are seemingly failed to counter it as yet.

Not only PTI workers and supporters but also a large number of Pakistanis are acknowledging the truth of Imran Khan’s anti-US narrative.

Imran Khan reiterates allegations

Yesterday, former premier Imran Khan has reiterated the allegations of the ‘US-initiated regime change’ in his Twitter messages when the Director-General of Inter-Services Public Relations (DG-ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar was addressing a press conference.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said in a Twitter message, “Want to thank all those who came to our jalsa in Peshawar making it a mammoth & historic jalsa. The passion & commitment crowd showed in support of an indep sovereign Pak & their total rejection of US-initiated regime change bringing to power criminals, shows where nation stands.”

In another tweet, Khan said, “Want to appreciate our 123 MNAs as their resignations have been accepted by Speaker Qasim Suri. Their standing firm for a sovereign Pak & against US-initiated regime change bringing to power criminals, convicted & on bail – the ultimate insult to any self respecting indep nation.”

DG-ISPR confirms ‘interference’ but denies ‘conspiracy’

Yesterday, Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (DG-ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar has confirmed the veracity of the diplomatic cable and said that ‘conspiracy’ was not mentioned in the National Security Committee’s (NSC) communique but ‘blatant inference’ into the internal affairs of Pakistan.

Imran Khan says ‘will become more dangerous’ after ouster from office

The spokesperson of the military’s media wing, Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar conducted an important press conference yesterday amid the current political turmoil. He once again clarified that the military has no political role in the country nor has any influence on the independent judiciary.

Regarding the alleged threat letter, he said that the communique of the National Security Committee (NSC) meeting did not use the word of conspiracy but blatant inference into the internal affairs, however, a demarche [a course of action, especially a political one or especially in diplomatic affairs] was given to the US diplomat which is a diplomatic terminology having different purposes but not only to lodge a protest with a country.

Former prime minister Imran Khan had claimed that a conspiracy was hatched to topple the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government by the United States (US) which was exposed via a diplomatic cable. The political rivals had termed the threat letter fake, however, the recent presser of the DG-ISPR proved the veracity of the threat letter, however, he rejected the claims of any kind of conspiracy.

Moreover, the DG-ISPR said that military bases were not sought by any country but if it was demanded, they would definitely say ‘absolutely not’.

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