Imran Khan directly blames military leadership: ISPR’s second statement in three days

DG ISPR Major General Ahmed Sharif said dream of dividing army will remain a dream, No one has resigned and no one has reversed order

After former Prime Minister and Chairman PTI Imran Khan’s statement against Army Chief General Asim Munir, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has openly come out in support of Army Chief, while ISPR spokesperson Major General Ahmad Sharif Chaudhry has said that General Asim Munir and senior military leadership support democracy and will continue to do so. Analysts say that matter is very sensitive, due to which spokesman of Pakistan Army had to issue a second statement in three days.

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s statement

Reacting to Imran Khan’s statement, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Niazi is honest and Hafiz Quran is afraid of Army Chief.

Prime Minister criticized Imran Khan’s insulting remarks against General Syed Asim Munir and said that it is nothing but malice. According to Prime Minister, Khan’s statement is further proof of his hatred towards Pakistan Army and an acknowledgment of his role in May 9 tragedy.

It is same mindset that falsely accuses patriotic military personnel of murder, fabricating stories of foreign conspiracies, he added.

He said Imran Khan’s statement is anti-national and shows true anti-state ambitions of masterminds of terrorism. This statement is an admission that May 9 tragedy took place on orders of Imran Niazi.

Shahbaz Sharif has claimed in his statement that Imran Niazi’s recent statement is proof of his involvement in planning attacks on sensitive installations and buildings along with the desecration of memorials of martyrs and ghazis.

Spokesman of Pakistan Army

His anger against General Syed Asim Munir was that he, as Director General ISI Imran Niazi, his wife Farah Gogi and senior PTI leadership was aware of the worst corruption.

On other hand, spokesperson of Pakistan Army, Major General Ahmed Sharif, while talking to a private TV channel, said that army is united under leadership of Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir and there is no plan to impose martial law in country. Not likely. .

Speaking to a private TV on Friday night, he said that army will remain united under leadership of Army Chief regardless of internal or external propaganda. DG also reiterated that army is united now and will remain united in future.

DG ISPR said that no member of the army has resigned or disobeyed the order, the dream of dividing the army will not come true.

He said that the military leadership including the army chief stands with democratic values, the army supports democracy and will continue to do so.

Events of May 9 left many questions

However, the riots that erupted across the country after Imran Khan’s army chief and the arrest of Tehreek-e-Insaaf Chairman on May 9 have left many questions behind.

Question No. 1: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif called a meeting of the National Security Committee on Friday, where did that meeting go? Was there such an emergency that the meeting had to be cancelled?

Question No. 2: The miscreants entered the most sensitive area of ​​Rawalpindi through Gate No. 1 of GHQ and spread whatever mischief they could. Why did not stop the miscreants? It is the most important institution of the army. Where the entire strategy of the army is prepared. Why didn’t the army there stop the miscreants?

Question No. 3: Miscreants entered the Corps Commander House in Lahore. It has been proven from the media that the Corps Commander Lahore, his guards and soldiers were present in the Corps House at that time. The question is who stopped them from taking action against the miscreants?

Question No. 4: After the events of May 9, the Corps Commander Lahore has been changed. Lieutenant General Asim Baig has been posted as Corps Commander Lahore. However, sources have told News 360 that Lieutenant General Asim Baig has resigned from the post. The question is, why is Asim Baig reluctant to take charge of the position?

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