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Not Even Jang Group is Responsive on Hamid Mir’s Ban

Jang Group Hamid Ban


A representative from Reporter without Borders named Iqbal Khattak had a heated discussion with award-winning senior journalist Hamid Mir for being off-air for the last couple of months.

Iqbal reached out to his Twitter handle and recalled that it’s been 4 months that Hamid Mir’s current affairs show Capital Talk had been off-air after his May 28 speech to condemn the attack on the YouTuber and freelance journalist Asad Toor.

Mir has been vocal about the rights of a journalist for a very long time, however, Asad Toor’s incident has become troublesome for him.

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In the speech, the senior journalist made critical remarks against Pakistan Army at a rally to express solidarity with the injured journalist.

Responding to Iqbal, Hamid Mir said, “I was banned in 2007 for 4 months by General Pervez Musharraf and Imran Khan was supporting me at that time”.

Comparing the time, he added that now Imran Khan is the prime minister and talks about freedom of speech but he hasn’t taken any initiative in this matter.

Continuing the argument, a Twitter user said that instead of watching Hamid Mir’s show, there are many other shows with better content.

Answering back, Mir agreed with her saying that he has offered resignation but it was not accepted by Geo.

Once again, the senior journalist highlighted that he was banned and called a CIA agent for writing in Washington Post, however, now Imran Khan is also doing the same.

Considering the whole situation, Jang Group immediately banned Hamid Mir over his controversial remarks and hasn’t spoken anything in justification.

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