The lanes for journalist Asad Toor are getting narrower as the Islamabad High Court (IHC) has directed the FIA Cybercrime Wing to resume investigation against the freelance journalist accused of maligning the character of anchorperson Shiffa Yousafzai.
IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah presided over the case on the petition filed by Subah Say Agay host Shiffa Yousafzai against journalist Asad Toor.
In March, Toor had leveled serious allegations on Shiffa’s credibility and character on his YouTube channel and received criticism from colleagues.
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However, instead of taking to social media, the morning show host approached the high court.
FIA Cybercrime Wing had sent a notice to the journalist following which he filed a counter application, accusing the agency of abusing its powers in a bid to halt the investigation.
On Wednesday, the single-member high court bench disposed of all petitions in the case and directed the cybercrime wing to continue with its inquiry. The court directed that the probe must be fair.
IHC chief justice remarked that the matter pertaining to Shiffa Yousafzai wasn’t related to curbing free speech as claimed by Asad Toor after FIA served him a notice.
Shiffa’s colleagues pat her back for standing against the harassment of women. They took to their Twitter and felicitated the anchorperson on the IHC’s verdict.
اسد طور کے خلاف FIA اپنی کاروائی جاری رکھے۔ اسلام آباد ہائی کورٹ نے اسد طور کی پٹیشن خارج کردی اور کہا کہ یہ آزادی اظہار رائے پر حملے کا معاملہ نہیں ہے۔ شفاء یوسفزئی کی کردار کشی کے معاملے میں ایف آئی اے اسد طور سے قانون کے مطابق نمٹے۔
— Makhdoom Shahab-ud-Din (@ShahabSpeaks) June 30, 2021
I think after today’s ruling our worthy and honorable femal colleagues must stand with @Shiffa_ZY to get her justice so that in future this gender based discrimination in media could be effectively thwarted.
— Khawar Ghumman (@Ghummans) June 30, 2021
Hope you win.
— Mahwash Ajaz 🇵🇰 (@mahwashajaz_) June 30, 2021
صحافی شفا یوسفزئی بنام صحافی اسد طور ایف آئی اے درخواست نمٹا دی گئی
اسد طور کو شکایت کی کاپی کے ساتھ نوٹس بھجوائیں اور قانون کے مطابق کارروائی کریں، یہ تاثر زائل کریں کہ ایف آئی اے محض چند صحافیوں کو ٹارگٹ کر رہی ہے، چیف جسٹس اطہر من اللہ
— Aamir Saeed Abbasi (@AmirSaeedAbbasi) June 30, 2021
However, prominent female activists such as Amber Rahim Shamsi, Asma Shirazi, Reema Omer, Gharidah Farooqi, and Benazir Shah refrained from commenting on the matter purely related to harassment of a woman since it started.