Lettergate: Is SC final option to resolve diplomatic cable issue?

An important meeting of the NSC was held under the chair of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif in which lettergate was discussed.

An important meeting of the National Security Committee (NSC) was held under the chair of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif in which former Pakistani Ambassador to the US Asad Majeed Khan briefed the participants over the threatening diplomatic cable.

This was the second meeting of the National Security Committee in 20 days which was attended by the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), the chiefs of the three armed forces and other civilian and military leaders.

In its declaration, it was established once again that the Pakistani embassy in Washington had received a telegram. The meeting ratified the minutes of the last NSC meeting. In other words, Imran Khan’s claims were proved true that the letter he waved during his March 27 speech was the same threatening letter that was received by ex-envoy Asad Majeed Khan.

Ex-PM Imran Khan had termed the threatening letter as a conspiracy against his government, whereas, the investigative agencies had linked the lettergate with a blatant interference but not a conspiracy.

At the previous NSC session, it was confirmed that threatening language was used in the letter and the letter was termed as blatant interference in the internal affairs of Pakistan. Yesterday’s meeting confirmed that the letter had arrived and that the letter contained threatening language against diplomatic etiquette.

Intelligence agencies have investigated the letter, but no conspiracy was found in the inquiry. However, one thing is confirmed the letter was received and threatening language was used.

It is time for Supreme Court (SC) to immediately set up an inquiry commission to probe into the matter as Imran Khan is saying that there was a conspiracy to overthrow Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government. If the commission finds it a conspiracy, then justice should be given to Imran Khan and in another case, if no clue is found about any conspiracy then the former premier should be penalised for inciting the nationals.

Political analysts say the NSC declaration was not enough to end the ongoing political crisis. It did not clarify the difference between the letter of Asad Majeed Khan and Imran Khan which should be made clear before the nation.

They said that the letter has turned out to be a reality but it is yet to establish whether it is a conspiracy or blatant interference. It also raised the question of whether the PTI chairman would choose to back down from his stance regarding the conspiracy or not.

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