Malik Riaz sends legal notice to journalist Hamza Azhar Salam

Business tycoon Malik Riaz has sent a legal notice to journalist Hamza Azhar Salam over allegations of his plane used to transport former first lady Bushra Bibi's friend Farhat Shehzadi alias Farah Gogi.

Business tycoon Malik Riaz has sent a legal notice to journalist Hamza Azhar Salam over allegations of his plane was used to transport former first lady Bushra Bibi’s friend Farhat Shehzadi alias Farah Gogi.

Malik Riaz stated in his legal notice to the Founder and Editor of The Pakistan Daily Hamza Azhar Salam, “The document you claim to be travel history is absolutely incorrect and seems fake. Any such document claiming to be flight manifest needs to be verified by CAA and relevant departments.”

“There’s no official stamp or signatures from any relevant authority to prove its authenticity. Further to clarify and put facts straight, Ms Farhat Shahzadi did not travel on Bahria Town aircraft to any international destination as claimed. You’re using a fake document to malign me and my company in an irrelevant conspiracy.”

“Additionally you also claim being threatened by my company or myself, which is also not true as I don’t believe in routes other than legal, so I am serving you a legal notice for this contemptuous attempt. You’re asked to withdraw libellous contents and seek public apology failing which I will be taking the matter to courts,” said Riaz.

Hamza Azhar Salam had levelled allegations against Riaz that his private plane was used to transport former first lady Bushra Bibi’s friend Farhat Shehzadi alias Farah Gogi.

Salam commented on Riaz’s notice on Twitter, saying, “I would be a fool to not be afraid of Malik Riaz and Bahria Town since I know they are above the law but I don’t want to compromise my journalistic duty because some rich people are drunk on power. As for the consequences, I rest my case with Allah.”

He added, “I was also informed that a former PTI minister may have been living in your Emirates Hill home in Dubai, I did not mention it in my story but can you comment whether they helped you draft this response to me?”

“Since last night I had been trying to get your version so I could incorporate it in my story but to no avail. When your representative called at 12.27 PM today, they threatened me of legal action and of routes, “alternate to legal routes”. I am now living under fear for my life.”

“The document mentioned was given to me by a reliable source which I tweeted using the word, “purportedly”. I have no intention to malign you or drag you in any controversy.”

“Our legal team is awaiting your notice whilst we reserve the right to initiate legal proceedings in regards to the threats received by myself and the mental anguish it has caused me and my family,” said Salam.

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