Nawaz Sharif dabbles with every issue under the sun, but shies away from his return to Pakistan

A handful of judges are imposing their will on the nation, if bench is not acceptable, then how can we accept its decision? full court will be acceptable to all, former Prime Minister named 3-member bench as Selected Notice Bench

PMLN leader Mian Nawaz Sharif criticized judiciary in an emergency press conference last day and named 3-member bench as a self-notice bench.

In press conference held at Stanhope House, former Prime Minister criticized current Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Umar Atta Bandial as well as former Chief Justice Saqib Nisar and said that there is a consensus “among all” that The full court should hear the election case.

He clarified that “All political parties have this demand, government wants it, bar associations want it, parliament has expressed its will and passed its bill, now it is with president. Parliament belongs to country.” It is the greatest institution, its sanctity should be respected”.

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The former prime minister further said, “Even the majority of the judges have expressed their views in every way, similarly the civil society also wants the same.” Then why this stubbornness? Why insist on having only three judges in the bench? This is a national problem, not a problem of emptying a truck, a stall or a plot. Why only these three judges? “These three people decide the fate of the country in every case,” he alleged.

He said that a similar bench was constituted in 2017 which took Pakistan to a point where its future became bleak, although the economic situation was different during his tenure.

In 2017, a Supreme Court bench disqualified Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from office for misrepresenting his assets during the Panama Papers-related corruption probe.

Referring to the low dollar rate, sugar, essential commodities, and medicine prices during his tenure, he said, “I appeal to my people to open their eyes, this is a cruel joke, weren’t you happy in 2017?” Your stomach was full, your family was satisfied, what happened after 2017?

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Nawaz Sharif addressed the judges of the Supreme Court and said, “You (judges) are giving judgments for one man?” Have you ever taken notice of Justice Shaukat Siddiqui’s words? Or what former Army Chief General Bajwa said? Doesn’t this automatically warrant notice that Nawaz Sharif was treated unfairly?”

“A handful of judges are imposing their will on the nation,” he alleged. If there are so many reservations, if the bench is not acceptable, then how can we accept its decision? But the full court will be acceptable to all, what is the hesitation behind it? He added that even if a judge recuses himself, he is still on the bench. When asked about the difference of opinion of senior judges with the three-member bench, he said, “Are all the decisions and the bench for Imran Khan?”

When asked about the Supreme Court’s proceedings on Friday, Nawaz Sharif said, “I also heard that the Chief Justice had tears in his eyes. If it is from the fear of God, then it is welcome news. I don’t know anything more.” Can say.

About Justice Mazahar Ali Naqvi, Nawaz Sharif said, “His case should go to the Supreme Judicial Council. There is evidence of what he said, full audio and video leaks – this is a proper case of accountability.” There is no doubt that a man is known by his friends, only Allah can save our courts and judges.”

He further said that Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui was dismissed instead of investigating the allegations leveled against him, if this is the standard of justice then God save our justice system.

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