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Pakistan Railways Upgrade Written Passes to Digital

Pakistan Railways has decided to digitize over a century-old system of issuing traveling passes to its current and retired employees.

According to the ministry of railways, the department has been issuing passes to its employees for many years, however, now the decision has been taken to upgrade the old and outdated system.

To bring transparency, Pakistan Railways announced to issue the passes through a digital system.

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In this regard, the department has taken help from NADRA and the free passes for the employees and their family members will now be issued by the database authority.

A meeting was held between Railways Minister Azam Khan Swati and Chairman NADRA in which the details about the upgradation of the system, its expenses and other issues were discussed.

Azam Khan Swati said that the system will work to eliminate the chances of fraud and corruption in the department.

Earlier, all passes used to be handwritten and were hugely misused by non-eligible persons.

Pakistan Railways officials said that NADRA has been taken on board to upgrade the system and will provide 180,000 digital passes for the employees including 60,000 on-job while 132,000 retired workers.

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