Sindh Government at Odds With Schools, Not Covid-19

Murad Ali Shah expressed that it would be safe to reopen schools after the complete vaccination of teachers and parents

Sindh Chief Minister (CM) Syed Murad Ali Shah announced to extend the closure of schools for one week amid the ragging delta variant in the province.

While addressing a presser, Murad Ali Shah said, “At this time, we will not open schools in Sindh for one more week. We want that in this week, the school teachers and parents of students get vaccinated”.

CM expressed that it would be safe to reopen schools after the complete vaccination of teachers and parents.

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Interestingly, the announcement came following the independence day celebrations and the Moharram processions.

The August 14 celebrations were witnessed throughout the province and the citizens hugely flout the covid-19 restrictions.

On the other hand, the Moharram processions and mourning congregations were also observed with no social distancing.

As per the educationist, the decision can affect the learning behaviors in the students while the educational institutions in all other provinces are open.

On the other hand, the announcement also flustered the All Private Schools Management Association (APSMA).

The association called a meeting against the decision and demanded that the schools with 100% vaccination ratio should be allowed on-campus classes immediately.

All Sindh Private Schools and College Association (ASPSCA) Chairman Haider Ali was of the view that the schools should be re-opened with 50% attendance, SOPs, and vaccination.

“As per an estimate, nearly 600,000 students have given up education from government schools”, he added.

Haider Ali also informed that the vaccination process in public and private schools has been completed by 95% and 80% respectively.

The analysts also suggest that children have been relishing all the activities. Therefore they said the schools, being a safe space under strict adherence to SOPs, should be allowed to re-open on an immediate basis.

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