The Odd Chemistry of Dates b/w Taliban Pursuit & Pakistan

The dates of important developments in Afghanistan during the Taliban conquest accidentally coincide with all important dates for Pakistan

Odd chemistry has been observed between the important dates for the Taliban in the pursuit of gaining control in Afghanistan and their link with Pakistan.

After the pullout of the foreign troops started in Afghanistan at the beginning of July, the Taliban fighters starting sweeping different areas of the country.

They kept conquering tracts of lands, overshadowing the Afghan armed forces, and finally reached the capital, Kabul.

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On August 15, the Taliban captured the capital city and broke into the Presidential Palace.

The date is considered a significant one as it is the independence day of Pakistan’s arch-rival, India.

Following the capture, the group leaders huddled up for the formation of the government.

However, the Panjshir province was still on hold-up as the resistance forces led by Ahmad Massoud refused to surrender to the Taliban.

After conflict spanning over three weeks, the Taliban conquered the Panjshir province on September 6 which coincidently marks the Defence Day of Pakistan.

In another interesting impending occurrence, the group is likely to announce the formation of the government on September 11.

The date is noteworthy for the Taliban as well as Afghanistan.

For the militant group, the episode of the US invasion started from the attack on World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001.

For Pakistan, the date marks the death anniversary of the country’s founder Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

The coincidence in the dates for the Taliban and Pakistan has also left the social media users puzzled and they are making head or tail of it.

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