Matter of unconfirmed audio and video leaks: Imran Khan writes letter to SC for investigation

In a letter written by Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf to Chief Justice of Supreme Court and other judges, it has been requested to be heard immediately. Imran Khan has also raised 8 most important questions in letter

In the matter of remediation of unconfirmed audio/video leaks that have come to the fore one after the other, Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan has written a detailed letter to all the judges of the Supreme Court including the Chief Justice of Pakistan.

According to the details, in the letter written by Imran Khan, the constitutional petition filed in October last year has been requested to be set for an immediate hearing.

The letter has also requested the Chief Justice and honorable judges to take steps to protect the fundamental rights under the Constitution, especially the right to privacy of the citizens under Article 14.

Imran Khan has also put 8 most important questions in front of the Chief Justice and judges regarding the matter.

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Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan has written in his letter that “suspicious and unverified audios/videos have been coming to the public for the past several months. are based on conversations between

According to the text of the letter, “audios/videos appearing in the public domain contain unverified content, these audio/videos are produced by clipping and clipping and other fake methods including deep faking.”

According to the text of the letter, “A few months ago, certain audios came to light, the content of which shows that they were related to the Prime Minister’s Office/House. Secret recordings of conversations that took place were the norm.”

The head of Tehreek-e-Insaf has written in the letter that “The Prime Minister’s House is undoubtedly the most sensitive house of the state where matters of national sensitivity are discussed. There are effects.

The Tehreek-e-Insaf chief further wrote in his letter that “there is national evidence that critical voices are intended to be suppressed through these unverified and fake audios/videos. Leaks generated by sorting have been targeted.

The former prime minister wrote in his letter that “Senator Azam Swati’s fundamental constitutional right to privacy along with many others was grossly violated.

In the letter, Imran Khan requested that “Your Excellency! During the creation of the constitution in Pakistan, several rights were made part of the constitution.”

1. Article 4 of the Constitution gives every person the protection of law and the right to treatment under the law itself.

2. This constitution guarantees the protection of every individual’s dignity and privacy.

3. But these rights available to individuals under the constitution are being violated with unjustifiable brazenness and blatant boldness.

4. For protection of other fundamental rights including privacy, I filed a constitutional petition before the Hon’ble Court under Article 184(3) on these audio leaks in October 2022.

Imran Khan has written in the letter that “Unfortunately, my application could not be scheduled for hearing so far. After my application, things have deteriorated instead of improving. There is no accounting for the clear violations of the constitution.” When it happens, the characters involved are more fearless and promoting this fake content.

According to the text of the letter, “Unfortunately, recently the alleged conversation between the former Chief Minister and a respected judge of the Supreme Court was secretly released on social media. It has become clear that the public is now subject to this secret surveillance and recordings as usual.” There has been, the process of bringing these recordings to the public by sorting, twisting and altering them at will continues unabated.

8 questions raised by Imran Khan before the Supreme Court

  1. The question arises as to what law allows such widespread surveillance and secret recordings of the public.
  2. The question also arises as to who the law gives the right to such surveillance and recordings.
  3. This question also remains unanswered as to what are the limits and limitations of this surveillance and recordings.
  4. This question is also important as to how long this series of surveillance and recordings will continue.
  5. The answer to this question is also necessary, what is the arrangement for the security of the material obtained from this surveillance and recordings.
  6. Can private conversations of citizens be allowed to be secretly recorded and tampered with at will?
  7. What measures have been taken to stop this series of deviations from the law and violations of fundamental rights that have been going on for the past few months, Imran Khan.
  8. Are our most sensitive houses, where decisions are made on the most important matters, safe?

The letter states that “If the rights provided under the Constitution are of any importance, then the people of Pakistan are entitled to answers to these questions. I request that my constitutional petition on the issue of these unverified and unauthorized audio leaks be heard immediately.” be appointed.”

Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan has further written in his letter that “The desire to obtain the guarantee of the protection of the rights available under the constitution from the highest house of justice of the country is certainly not mine alone, the nation hopes when the constitution provides them some rights. If he does, these rights will still be protected.”

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