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Sikh Completing Course at Mansoorah Praises Jamat-e-Islami

Sikh Jamat-e-Islami

A video surfaced on social media that shows a Pakistani Sikh praising Jamat-e-Islami for their non-discriminatory behavior towards him on his visit to Mansoorah in Punjab.

The Sikh named Sardar Aneel Singh introduced himself as the joint secretary of the Jamat-e-Islami Karachi wing.

While sharing his experience of the visit to Mansoorah, he expressed that the Jamat didn’t let him feel lone.

“There was no discrimination and I relished my 3-day-visit”, he said.

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He said that he was the only Sikh member there and was treated well by the members of the wing.

“There is an international phobia about Jamat-e-Islami but I didn’t feel anything like that”, he added.

Aneel Singh shared his experience that he visited all the departments and witnessed no racial biases.

“I invite my other minorities to visit Jamat-e-Islami Mansoorah wing”.

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