Gwadar: Beauty of Emerald Water in Pakistan

‘Princess of hope’ stands high on top of the mountains along Makran Coastal Highway

WEB DESK: An urban lifestyle does not support much of traveling and exploring as breadwinning keeps our heads and hands down generating a handsome sum for our families. Travelling is an aspiration for many Pakistanis but remain restrictive due to financial and visa restrains.

Pakistan is no doubt a land of mesmerizing beauty holding both natural and manmade sights. Mostly locals in the country apart from all restrains prefer to visit Northern areas with their families for vacationing. But to their luck, recently discovered Gwadar port in Balochistan offers them a lot more on convenient and affordable terms.

Gwadar, an emerging untapped landscape and tourists destination filled with natural beauty lies on the south-western coast of Pakistan.

Balochistan is certainly a ‘land of beauty’ filled with mountains, valleys, waterfalls, historical sites, and port like Gwadar.The emerging port propounds new possibilities for travelers to explore the breathtaking sight of ‘emerald water’ in the south-west of Pakistan. 

Gwadar, a small port town located on the shores of the Arabian Sea, is the center of Pakistan China Economic Corridor (CPEC) project in Balochistan.

The port is connecting the three most important crossroads, the Middle East, Central Asian countries, and Pakistan.

Gwadar being rich in natural beauty is slowly and gradually gaining popularity among tourists and adventure seekers within the region and foreigners as well, however, needs more exigent.Traveling to Gwadar from Karachi is a long and adventurous eight hours journey but worth traveling. The landscapes are anything but urban, full of dull brown mountains and plateaus.

Patches of greenery can be seen from time to time.

Some 60 kilometers (km) after the last town ‘winder’, there lies a crossroad ‘zero point’. Leaving zero point behind, travelers can witness a mesmerizing view of the ‘princess of hope’ standing high on top of the mountains along Makran Coastal Highway.

The statue is a natural rock formation carved by the breezes of the Arabian Sea figuring it into a lady standing tall, looking over the horizons in hope for something she wishes. The name of this lady was given by famous Hollywood star Angelina Jolie in 2002 when she visited Pakistan as the United Nations Ambassador of Goodwill.

The way to Gwadar not only offers you mountains and valleys but an exotic view of beaches like Sonmiani Beach, kund malir, Jiwani, Omara, and Astola Island.

Emerald color water of these beaches will enthrall the eyes and captivate the travelers with its naturally beautiful shores.

Beautiful shore of Kund MalirMesmerizing view of Sonmiani BeachKoh e Batil is one of the two mountains spreading over the lands of Gwadar, having a maximum height of around 449 ft, offers breathtaking views of sunrise and sunset.

Top view from Koh-e-Batil
Gwadar being a beautiful tourist attraction calls for more consideration from both the public and private sectors of Pakistan and this eventually will boost tourism in the country.

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