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Indian ex-Jurist Fasts on Last Friday of Every Ramazan

India Today

A retired judge of the Indian Supreme Court (SC), Markandey Katju, disclosed that for the past two and a half-decade, he observes a fast on the last Friday of Ramazan.

The last Friday of Ramazan before Eid-ul-Fitr is commonly known as Jumu’atul-Wida which holds a high significance for the believers.

Earlier in a tweet, Katju had disclosed that he was going to fast on the last Friday of the holy month.

He has been doing it for the past 25 years in reverence for the Muslim community. The retired jurist also urged all non-muslims around the globe to do the same.

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Markandey Katju is the patron of the Indian Reunification Association (IRA) that wants amalgamation of Pakistan and Bangladesh with India under a secular government.

The ex-jurist has been known to hold Modi government to account against its anti-Muslim and Hindu extremist policies.

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