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Jemima Goldsmith declares Terrian White as Imran Khan’s daughter

jemima goldsmith and tyrian white, جمائما گولڈ اسمتھ

Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan’s ex-wife Jemima Goldsmith has acknowledged Terrian White as Imran Khan’s daughter.

The world-renowned British writer and filmmaker Jemima Goldsmith has said that when Imran Khan was informed of the attack on November 3 last year by a friend, the first thought came from her sons Sulaiman, Qasim and Imran Khan’s daughter Terian, who is his daughter. He was with ex-girlfriend Sita White.

Details given to the British newspaper Daily Mail The interview I have discussed Jemima Khan in detail about her life from childhood to youth, marriage with former Prime Minister Imran Khan, divorce and post-divorce experiences so far.

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During the interview, Jemima expressed her frustration of not being able to identify herself till date and said, “I have always been ‘daughter’, ‘sister’, ‘wife’, ‘ex-wife’, and this Can be annoying, especially if your views differ from the famous men you associate with.

She said that a columnist associated her name with boyfriends despite being single to embarrass her. He said that he is still single and has no desire to get married now, but he is not against marriage.

In the interview, Jemima Goldsmith also mentioned the unpleasant events that happened in Pakistan after her marriage. When 6 people were killed in a suicide attack on Imran Khan’s Shaukat Khanum hospital in Lahore during his presence in Pakistan and he went with Imran Khan and saw the burnt bodies of the martyrs of this incident with his own eyes. Jemima said. He saw Imran Khan crying for the first time that day.

In the interview, Jemima also mentioned the death threat she received from the spokesman of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Jemima also said that during her stay in Pakistan in 2000, she was wrongly informed by the American Embassy that Imran Khan has been killed while his sons were taken hostage at gunpoint in 2004. The opposition also tried to jail him on antiquities smuggling charges.

Recounting the funny incidents of her life, Jemima said that in the year 2000, she was on a British airline plane that was hijacked by a deranged person to take it to the Sudanese desert and crash it.

She complained that the politically motivated mob still protests outside his 88-year-old mother’s house in London by raising playing cards and threatening to rape her in Urdu.

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