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UNHRC to Form ‘Commission’ to Unravel Israel-Palestine Conflict

UNHRC Commission Israel-Palestine Conflict

Daily Times

Amid the Israel-Palestine conflict, United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has adopted a resolution to form an independent international commission to probe into all alleged violations of international humanitarian law by Israel.

Israeli forces raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque and launched airstrikes on Gaza and West Bank, killing some 285 Palestinians in a conflict that lasted 11 days.

The Atlantic

Considering the situation, the Pakistani representative to UN in Geneva, Khalil Hashmi, requested UNHRC on May 19 to convene a special session to discuss the human rights violations in occupied Palestinian territories.

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Fulfilling the request of the ambassador, UNHRC convened a special session which adopted a resolution to form an independent international commission to look deeply into the Israel-Palestine conflict.

“The resolution will ensure the applicability of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention related to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”, the session discussed.

UNHRC took to its Twitter handle to share obligations of the commission.

The Council officials said, “The commission of inquiry shall establish the facts and circumstances that may amount to such violations and abuses and of the crimes perpetrated”.

Moreover, all information, documentation, and evidence including interviews, witnesses, testimonies, and forensic material will be preserved according to international law standards.

The resolution asked all relevant parties to cooperate completely with the commission.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi virtually attended the session from Islamabad.

Considering the situation in Gaza, Qureshi emphasized the Council to serve the fundamental rights of Palestinians and “hold the aggressor accountable through international inquiry”.

Taking to his Twitter handle, FM said Pakistan stands together with UNHRC’s decisions following the situation in Palestine.

However, Israeli Prime Minister (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu termed the Council’s decision as “shameful”.

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