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Why Billboards in US Show Joe Biden as a Taliban Leader?

A bunch of billboards popped up in Pennsylvania’s state of the United States (US), depicting President Joe Biden as a Taliban with the caption, “Making the Taliban great again”.

The billboards appeared weeks after the complete withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

The image of the US president with a rocket launcher in his hands on the billboards shows that Joe Biden is responsible for the messy situation caused by the exit.

As reported, the ads have been commissioned by former Pennsylvania Senator Scott Wagner.

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Scott Wagner rented out a couple of boards across the highway at a cost of $15,000 to express his anger over agile US pullout.

He was of the view that the soldiers sacrificed their entire lives and most of them lost their limbs or psyche for the cause.

Scott Wagner said that he is not shy of mocking the move that came in a ‘provocative manner’.

The slogan on the billboard is a facsimile of US former president Donald Trump’s election campaign chant “Make America Great Again”.

However, Scott clarified that he is not a Trump supporter.

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