Malala to be Interviewed in Taliban-Ruled-Afghanistan

As the Taliban took control of the country, Malala had expressed that she was deeply worried about women, minorities, and human rights advocates in new Afghanistan

Soon after Ashraf Ghani slunk off from Kabul and the Taliban took over Afghanistan, Nobel award laureate Malala Yousafzai raised doubts on the safety and freedom of women in the country but was proven wrong.

Afghanistan’s leading news network TOLOnews is going to interview Malala today at 6:30 pm (Afghanistan standard time).

The news was shared on the channel’s official handle which garnered global attention.

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Malala Probing Safety of Women & Minorities in New Afghanistan

As the Taliban seized control of the country, Malala had expressed that she was deeply worried about women, minorities, and human rights advocates in new Afghanistan.

“Global, regional and local powers must call for an immediate ceasefire, provide urgent humanitarian aid and protect refugees and civilians”, she added.

Not only this, Malala opined against Taliban rule in Afghanistan in an article written for The New York Times.

However, Taliban are ostensibly keeping their words and granting women their due rights under Islamic Sharia.

Afghan news stations have resumed broadcasting with female staff and now TOLOnews is going to air Malala’s interview.

Not only this, one of the TOLOnews female presenters carried out an interview with a member of the Taliban’s media team after the walkover.

Notably, back in Taliban’s rule from 1996-2001, the women were suppressed and deprived of their basic rights in Afghanistan.

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