FBR takes strong notice of editorial published in Dawn

Spokesperson terms the report as malicious in intent and suspicious in content.

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has taken a very strong exception to an editorial published in Daily Dawn on Nov 10, terming the report as malicious in intent and suspicious in content.

A FBR spokesperson took to Twitter and said:” The aim of report is to malign FBR at a time when its outstanding performance is being appreciated by all including the PM.”



The Dawn‘s editorial had criticized the policies of Finance Advisor Shaukat Tarin.

It added that the tax collectors often help criminals and get financial benefits from it personally.

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It was further written that by avoiding tax payments and getting an exemption, rich people pressure every incoming government to continue their affairs in fiscal deficit and reduce social and economic infrastructure costs and increase the tax burden on the rest of the country.

These are very serious charges which were leveled against the Federal Board of Revenue. It was said that tax collectors help the criminals and get financial benefits in return.

FBR has taken strict notice of editorial. Lets’ see if any explanation is sought from the newspaper or not.



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