For First Time Remittances Cross $3 Billions in a Month in April

In terms of growth, during April 2022, remittances increased by 11.2 percent on an m/m basis and 11.9 percent on a y/y basis.

With the US $3.1 billion inflows during April 2022, workers’ remittances crossed $3 billion for the first time ever.

• In terms of growth, during April 2022, remittances increased by 11.2 percent on an m/m basis and 11.9 percent on a y/y basis.

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• Cumulatively, at $ 26.1 billion, remittances grew by 7.6 percent during 10 months of FY22 compared to the same period last year.

• Remittances’ inflows during April 2022 were mainly sourced from Saudi Arabia ($707 million), United Arab Emirates ($614 million), United Kingdom ($484 million), and the United States of America ($346 million).

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