Iman Ali in The Soup For Her Comments on Trans People

Iman Ali expressed that she feels like resembling a transgender person whenever she looks in the mirror

Pakistan’s one of the most beautiful faces and talented actresses Iman Ali is now in the soup as she, during an interview, allegedly demeaned transgender people and comment wasn’t taken well by society.

Iman Ali expressed that she feels like resembling a transgender person whenever she looks in the mirror.

“People tell me I am good-looking, but when I stand in front of the mirror, I feel everyone is lying, I can’t take even the pictures of myself. Whatever angle I try, I think ay haye, khusra”, she said.

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Pakistan’s transgender rights expert, Aisha Mughal, got hot under the collar and took to Twitter handle to express her feelings.

Aisha Mughal, who is also the world’s first transgender woman to represent Pakistan in the UN in Geneva, said it is the responsibility of artists to act sensibly when giving interviews.

Aisha Mughal opined that it is unfair to associate ugliness with transgender persons.

“Do not relate ugliness with Khusra or transgender persons. We are beautiful, strong, successful, and productive citizens of Pakistan”, she penned down.

Not only Aisha but television host Rabia Anum also lambasted the actress on her statement.

Rabia believed that using transgender as a demeaning word is amoral.

“Iman Ali now thinks ‘Khusra’ is ok to use as a demeaning word and these people are paid to be in these shows”, she wrote.

Meanwhile, transgender model Kamisid also commented on the matter.

The model was of the view that society needs to change its perspective towards them as well as their sentiments.

Apart from famous personalities, social media users also poured scorn on Iman Ali for humiliating trans people.

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