PML-N Worker’s Song Viral on Social Media

The singer can be seen praising the former PM in his appealing voice with the control over the beats on the vessel

There used to be times when loyal and devoted fans of political parties have been famous for their dressing and styles but lately, the trends have changed and the song sung by a Pakistan Muslim League (PML) –N worker to the beat of a pot is making rounds on social media.

The video of the song to praise former Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif by an anonymous PML-N stalwart singing brilliantly with any instrumental support gets lauded by many supporters of the political party.

The singer can be seen praising the former PM in his appealing voice with the control over the beats on the vessel.

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The PML-N worker has been pleading with Mian Nawaz Sharif in his humming voice to return.

The song went viral on social media due to the euphonious voice of the vocalist and pleasing lyrics.


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