Oxygen Bank Initiative in Pakistan Cheered By Pooja Bhatt
The foundation's initiative was lauded by Bollywood actress Pooja Bhatt who didn’t resist complementing Salman Sufi
Owing to worsening coronavirus crisis in the country, the owner of Salman Sufi Foundation announced to launch ‘O2 Bank’ for oxygen supply which earned praises of local and international including B-Town actress Pooja Bhatt.
“Given the dismal condition of Oxygen supply in the country and how its price has been abused by Hoarders. Foundation Sufi is launching our project ‘O2 Bank’ soon”, Salman Sufi penned down.
Given the dismal condition of Oxygen supply in country & how it’s price has been abused by Hoarders. @FoundationSufi is launching our project “O2 Bank” soon.
1st organized Oxygen supply bank for everyone.
Please support. Help us end pain of citizens in need. pic.twitter.com/QaINxUeAIS
— Salman Sufi (Wear a Mask to Keep All Safe) (@SalmanSufi7) April 28, 2021
Amid the grim situation, the announcement of first oxygen supply bank for everyone came as a fresh breeze for Pakistanis.
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“Please support. Help us end the pain of citizens in need”, he added.
The foundation’s initiative was lauded by Bollywood actress Pooja Bhatt who didn’t resist complementing Salman Sufi.
“Bless you, Salman. How desperately we need this in India as well!”, the actress plaudit.
🙏👏👏👏 Bless you Salman. How desperately we need this in India as well! @SalmanSufi7 https://t.co/H8zqD2rfHb
— Pooja Bhatt (@PoojaB1972) April 29, 2021
The Bombay Begums actress appreciated the effort and commented that India was in a dire need of an initiative like O2 Bank in Pakistan.
Besides Pooja, several local personalities from different fields also appreciated Salman.
That’s a wonderful initiative.Let me know if you need any assistance
— zoia tariq (@zoiatariq) April 29, 2021
— Samar MinAllah Khan (@SamarMinallahKh) April 29, 2021
Wow this is fantastic #OxygenShortage #COVID19 https://t.co/QxocsbC8r8
— Ayesha Tammy Haq (@tammyhaq) April 29, 2021
Excellent initiative. Best of luck @SalmanSufi7 https://t.co/spy0HTmJmB
— Huma Amir Shah (@humaamirshah) April 28, 2021
More power to you. https://t.co/HZ6r9MqwUH
— Asma Shirazi (@asmashirazi) April 29, 2021