Federal Ministers accompanying Maryam Nawaz leaving behind their official duties

Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah did not think of going to Peshawar after the tragedy of Police Lines. Information Minister Maryam Aurangzeb neither attended Cabinet meeting to serve Maryam Nawaz nor came to Karachi with Prime Minister

federal ministers belonging to PML-N have neglected their government duties and started lamenting senior vice-president of the party, Maryam Nawaz.

Federal Ministers Ranasthnaullah and Maryam Aurangzeb neglected important government duties and reached Bahalpur to attend Maryam Nawaz’s meeting.

Despite the martyrdom of more than 100 youths in a suicide attack in Jamia Masjid of Peshawar Police Lines, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah was not allowed to go to Peshawar, but Maryam Nawaz visited Bahawalpur to see the arrangements.

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Critics say that after the Peshawar tragedy, instead of holding a meeting regarding the security situation or going to Peshawar to meet the families of the martyrs and the injured, it is very sad that Interior Minister Ranthaullah took Maryam Nawaz on a tour of Bahawalpur for two days.

On the other hand, when Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif came to Karachi to inaugurate the nuclear power plant yesterday, Information Minister Maryam Ongzeb, who holds the portfolio of the most important government ministry, was not with him.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif inaugurated the third unit (K-3) of the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant, which was built with the cooperation of China.

According to the sources, Information Minister Maryam Aurangzeb was also present in Bahawalpur on the occasion of Maryam Nawaz’s visit and was condoling the party by leaving her government duties.

According to the sources, Maryam Aurangzeb ignored the meeting of the Federal Council to mourn the chief organizer of the party, Maryam Nawaz, and instead of attending the cabinet meeting, she continued to conduct party affairs in Bahalpur.

The critics say that who gave the authority to the federal ministers to ignore the government affairs and mourn the convicted and unelected party chief organizer?

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