Incompetence of local government officers, Sweeping Vehicles becoming junk

Loss of public exchequer due to persistent negligence of Sukkur Municipal Corporation caused a wave of concern in the civil and social circles.

Incompetence of local government officers, Sweeping Vehicles becoming junk, People in Sukkur demand notice from higher authorities Came forward

According to the details, due to the criminal negligence and constant negligence of the officials of the Municipal Corporation of Sukkur, sweeping vehicles worth crores of rupees called for from the public exchequer for cleaning the city have started to become scrap while many Vehicles have also been scrapped in the name of repair.

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Cleaning vehicles purchased in the city for a hefty sum of money were parked at the MT House for minor repairs for the last several years but due to lack of repairs, these vehicles would look like junk like other vehicles. Are going

There is a wave of concern in the civil and social circles in this regard and they have demanded immediate notice from the provincial minister for local government, secretary local government and other top officials and demanded departmental action against the negligent officers and staff.

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