Substantial reduction in PM House expenditure during PTI regime

According to data presented in Senate, during financial year 2017-2018, expenses of PM House were 508 million rupees. In financial year 2018-2019 it further decreased to 368 million while in the financial year 19-20 expenditure of the PM House was 315 million rupees.

In the annual expenditure of the PM House, during the last four years, the austerity campaign has saved the national exchequer crores of rupees. The details were presented in the Senate.

The details of the expenses of the Prime Minister’s House from 2019 to 2021 were presented in the Senate, according to which the expenses of the Prime Minister’s House were significantly reduced during the four years.

According to the official data, a budget of 1 billion 17 crore rupees was allocated for the Prime Minister’s House over three years, but the expenses remained at more than 90 crore rupees.

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On an annual basis for four years, the expenses of the PM House decreased. During the financial year 2017-2018, the expenditure of the Prime Minister’s House was 508 million rupees.

In the financial year 2018-2019, it further decreased to Rs 368 million while in the financial year 19-20 the expenditure further decreased and the expenditure of the Prime Minister House was Rs 315 million.

During the financial year 2021-2020, during the Tehreek-e-Insaf government, the expenses of the Prime Minister’s House were further reduced and it was brought to 300 million rupees.

According to the official data, in the last four years, the expenses of the Prime Minister’s House have been reduced to a large extent as a result of the austerity campaign measures.

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According to the data presented in the Senate, during the four-year tenure of the Tehreek-e-Insaf government, the unnecessary positions in the Prime Minister’s House were also eliminated.

In the details presented in the Senate of the expenses of the Prime Minister’s House from 2019 to 2021, it has been mentioned that 258 unnecessary posts were eliminated.

The figures stated that during the four years, other expenses of Prime Minister’s movement/travel, etc. were met from the budget of Islamabad Police and CDA.

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