Chinese engineer Tian arrested on charges of blasphemy, Chinese authorities express concern

Chinese company China Gizuba Group engineer "Tian" working on Dasu Dam project was sent to jail on judicial remand on charge of blasphemy, Chinese authorities have expressed concern over incident

Chinese engineer “Tian” of China Gezooba Group, a company working on Dasu Dam project in Upper Kohistan region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, has been arrested and booked on charges of blasphemy. Chinese authorities have expressed concern over incident.

Engineer “Tian” of China Gizuba Group, a Chinese company working on Dasu Dam project, has been arrested on charges of blasphemy.

“Tian”, an employee of China Gizuba Group Company, misbehaved with the employees due to slowness of work during Ramadan, when employees asked for a prayer break, Chinese man used harsh words.

People familiar with Chinese language asked him to stop such phrases and told others that he was playing obscene phrases in Chinese related to prayer and Allah, on which all employees started a protest by leaving work.

Considering sensitivity of matter, police assured protestors and local elders of area to take Chinese engineer into custody and register a case.

According to reports, after the arrest of the Chinese national, a heavy police force has been deployed on the roads leading to the Dasu Dam site and the residential camp, while the construction work is currently suspended.

According to local scholars, the incident took place on Friday when the workers came to the site after offering Friday prayers, and the Chinese engineer misbehaved with them for coming late and made religious comments.

According to local scholars, this matter is very sensitive, it should be fully transparent if the accused has committed blasphemy, then he should be punished according to the laws of the country, but if the accusation is baseless, a law should be made to deal with it. go

It should be noted that many Chinese residents are working on the construction of water harvesting and power generation projects in various areas of Upper Kohistan and Diamir Bhasha of Gilgit Baltistan.

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